Saturday, May 28, 2011

Big Fat Break

Man, I've been such a slacker! I didn't even get Christmas on my blog. I think the thought of catching up has overwhelmed me so I haven't been blogging. We started our new Real Estate Company the beginning of this year and that was quite the undertaking. It's nice to have it all set up and running smoothly.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


We are so excited. We are going to be starting a Real Estate Brokerage soon. In order to start your own brokerage you have to have at least 3 years of experience (I'm going on 6 years) and you have to have 60 real estate points. I have like 160 points. So I took the required 120 hours of Real Estate Broker School and then took the State Exam and guess what!!! I passed! We (Austin and I) are going to be starting our own Real Estate Brokerage soon!

The Friend Party

India has a friend who actually shares the exact same date of birth. How cool is that. He's such an awesome friend too. He wants to be Justin Bieber when he grows up. So I thought it would be fun to have a joint party with him and then have the two of them perform for us. They did such a fabulous job. Hopefully I figure out how to get the movie off the camera of their performance.


So we saw Tangled a few days after India's birthday. We saw it in 3D. Usually we don't like watching 3D movies but this time it was so beyond magical. There's a part where all of these illuminous small mini-air balloons are floating through the sky. We looked over at India and she had her hands up in the air and she was trying to touch them. It was so cute. The movie was also very touching and we give it an A++

The Blue Hair

The blue hair gets a post all to itself. India got the coolest blue hair wig. Seriously everyone was coveting it. I don't think I even snapped a picture of everyone who tried it on. I think I remember Bampa even put it on. I don't know if these pictures can even capture the blue hair craze that went on that night.

India's Birthday Party at the Bowens

I think India was quite pleased with her Birthday party at the Bowens. She was beaming the whole night. We can't believe that she's 5.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Today is a very special day! Our Incredible India was born 5 years ago. I remember not being able to sleep even though I had been in labor for 29 hrs because I couldn't stop looking at her. She had so much hair and it felt like I was holding a little kitten. She was so perfect.