Friday, January 2, 2009

15 Lbs

Hi! I just had to post my good news. As of today, I've lost 15 lbs! All that exercise and watching what I'm eating is starting to pay off! Sadly, I still have about 20 more to go to be pre-baby weight. I'll keep you posted on my major milestones :)


Heather G. said...

Congrats on losing the fifteen! I'm still gaining before I can lose, so sad. I needed to lose 20 before the baby was conceived so i'll need to do some major work after he's born! You inspire me!

Anonymous said...

I am going to leave all my comments for your different posts all in one. Get it? First, good for you for the weight loss! I am awful, because every week, I sit and watch the biggest loser, while I eat caramel corn or ice cream or something, and then I can't figure out why my "baby belly" is still here...
Second, your sister and her new hubby are so cute! They are a seriously gorgeous couple, which really doesn't surprise me, coming from your family of gorgeous gals!
Third, I am so glad Austin was able to be home for Christmas. Your pictures are priceless, and I am happy you guys had a fun Christmas!