Sunday, May 24, 2009

Black Door & Shutters

Being a Realtor I see a lot of houses and even when I'm just driving around I notice houses a lot more than I ever did before. I've come to LOVE it when houses have black doors and black shutters.

So back in December on a warm day I painted my front door black and I just barely got around to painting the shutters. I love doing stuff like this. Easy little jobs that beautify my house. Little did I know that hornets were building little houses behind each and every shutter. Hornets and bees and wasps are my worst fear and spiders are a very close second. I took down all of the shutters and killed the bees and their houses all by myself! Which goes to show how badly I wanted to paint my shutters black. Austin helped me re-hang them. But I really should get a prize for facing my fear and killing the poor helpless bees.

1 comment:

Heather G. said...

Very nice!! I like the black! Your house looks great!