Monday, March 29, 2010

Our Politics

Austin and I have been signing a lot of petitions these days and emailing/faxing our Senators. Bob Bennett has a great website that keeps us posted on what's going on. We were involved enough to get free tickets to a book signing for Mitt Romney. We got this yard sign at the convention too! After the book signing we were invited to a smaller room where we were on the front row and got to hear both Bob Bennett & Mitt Romney speak. They talked about the importance of being involved. They encouraged everyone in the room to run as a state delegate in our local precinct caucus. So a few weeks later we went to our precinct meeting and I nominated Austin as a delegate, he gave a little 5 min speach and then our precinct voted. Austin wasn't elected to be a state delegate but he was in first place to be a county delegate. Exciting times!!! We feel so blessed to live in this free nation and we are excited to be a part of the election process for people in our county.
Excuse the poor quality photos, this is just my phone camera! We have two of Mitt Romney's books and would be happy to lend one out.

After Mitt Romneys speach he came and stood an arms lenght away from us. We were wiggin' out, but we were too shy to stand up and shake his hand! I was afraid that I'd treat him too much like a movie star!

1 comment:

Heather G. said...

Looks like you guys had an informative time! Go Austin for county delegate!