1. Did you date someone in high school? Nope. I couldn't get a guy to date me if my life depended on it.
2. What kind of car did you drive? Ha ha! I walked or my mom dropped me off and picked me up.
3. Did you pass your driver's license test the first time? I don't think so. I remember drawing an "L" on my left hand and an "R" on my right and still getting confused about which way to turn. I was such a dits. I was also scared out of my mind about driving. I didn't want to.
4. Were you a party animal? Nope but I loved going to stomps. I remember dancing with sweaty guys and thinking I was in love :)
5. Were you considered a flirt? I tried...but probably failed miserably.
6. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? I took a choir class or two.
7. Were you a nerd? I wasn't cool but I wouldn't say I was a nerd. I remember making my friends laugh a lot at lunch.
8. Were you on any varsity teams? No.
9. Did you ever get suspended or expelled? no
10. Can you still sing your fight song? I probably never could. But I do remember that we would hold our arms like tomahawks and move them up and down to the beat. That was fun. :)
11. Who were your favorite teachers? Brother Morgan. I had a crush on him.
12. Where did you sit at lunch? I remember being so nervous about who to sit with in 10th grade the first day or two. Then I started to feel comfortable about finding people to sit with. We'd sit in a circle on the floor.
13. School mascot: Indian Brave
14. School colors: Red and White I think
15. Did you go to homecoming and who with? I was asked by Chris Taylor my junior year. The only guy who ever asked me to a dance. All the other dances I went to I asked the guy.
16. If you could go back and do it again, would you? Man, high school life was so easy compared to grown up life. YES!!! Send me back. I'd ace all of my classes and get tons of guys! I'd be so popular too. It took me quite a few years after high school to figure social stuff out, to be a confident person, and to have a mind of my own. Oh, and if I could go back in time I'd get more sleep. I remember not being able to fall asleep thinking about guys. What a goone! It probably stunted my growth to not get decent sleep. I think I was exhausted every day of my teenage life.
17. What do you remember most about graduation? Not wanting to be there. I thought it was stupid.
18. Where did you go on Senior Skip Day? Home.
19. Were you in any clubs? Key Club
20. Have you gained weight since then? Curses...yes. I think I was 115 or 120. I'm currently 140. So "just" 20 lbs to go. Actually I wasn't very buff so I'm going to aim for 125 so that I can have some muscle for once in my life.
21. Who was your prom date? I remember having dreams that I got asked to the prom. I'd wake up so happy. But I never got asked. I'd run to my front door every morning to see if I'd been asked...but nothing was there. I asked Luke Veigel to senior prom and he said yes. He was such a gentleman about it too. I think he paid for it even though I asked him.
22. Are you planning on going to your 10 year reunion? yeah. I hope I can make it and I hope a ton of people are there.
23. Did you have a job while in high school? No my parents discouraged me from having a job until after high school. They wanted me to study more.
24. Worst class? I took chemistry for a few days and felt soooo overwhelmed I dropped it and took a cooking class. (smart move!!)
25. Favorite class? Any class that had guys...so pretty much all of them. I was so boy-crazy. It's a wonder I consentrated enough in school to even graduate.
Tag to anyone who reads this :)