Friday, December 4, 2009

Patty's Daybreak Condo

This deal was a doozy! Patty qualified for a VA loan because she was in the army for awhile. Her interest rate was great and all was looking good until we were assigned a VA Appraiser. The VA appraiser was slower than molassess getting out to the property. When we'd call him to ask him to go out to the property he would say that VA gives him 14 days to complete the appraisal. 14 DAYS!!!!! We don't have 14 days!!!!!!!!! To say the least, he was a Butt! But it gets worse. Patty got this deal under contract in time to qualify for the $4000 Home Run Grant. The Appraiser went out to the property and found the door locked and so he left. Well, the modle home was right around the corner and someone could have let him in. Because he didn't get the home appraised that day Patty couldn't get on the list to get the $4000 grant! So then we had to change the purchase price by $4000 :( It took the appraiser like a week to get back out to the property and then 3-4 days to write up the appraisal report. By the time he got us the appraisal we were all soooo angry. It cost Patty $4000 because this appraiser was a jerk. We called VA to complain and we weren't able to change appraisers. Then when we wanted to close the underwriter found a problem on the appraisal and the appraiser had to fix it and he said his computer was down so that took a few more days. It was such a joke. Patty was a good sport the whole time. Patty has gotten a VA loan in the past and not had these problems and I've talked to other people who've gotten VA loans and they haven't had issues either. It was this one appraiser. Hopefully he will be black listed from VA because the public shouldn't have to work with someone who is so unmotivated to do his job or too busy to provide adequate service.

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