Thursday, October 28, 2010


One of these days...when layna is potty trained we are going to get a puppy (not necessarily a young dog, but in our family all dogs are called puppies). I'm really leaning towards a Yorkie. Austin is leaning towards a beagle.

Cast your vote and tell me why.


Anonymous said...

The Yorkie will have little poos and won't knock your kids over when it jumps on them. I heard too that Beagles are really hyper. There's pro's and con's to both though.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

I vote on Yorkie, for two reasons. First, because I think mothers should have the final say. :) Second, because they're so cute and they remind me of Mary Poppins.

Gaoth Glas said...

as a dog trainer, yorkies can be temperamental around small kids unless you get them as young puppies. they also require fairly regular grooming since they have long-length coats. they also require brushing to keep their coats from matting.

as far as beagles, they are generally more "hyper" but very loving dogs. rather vocal dogs as well.

i'd go with a dog that's more robust against small children picking it up, dropping it, stepping or falling on it. the beagle would think the kids are just playing, the yorkie might not be so forgiving.